Tag Archives: Trivandrum

While waiting for the flight


(Photo: Emirates ©)

مرحبا يا عزيزي القارئ!

It’s again me, again from cold but lovely Russia. However, my greeting looks a bit unusual today because on the 7th of April my post is going to have an Arabic flavor and it’s going to be about a problem that was solved incredibly well by the largest airline in the Middle East (which one you will know soon. I hope you didn’t look at the picture above)).

It was such a gorgeous day on the 16th of March when me and my family were about to leave India and enter Emirates (give you a clue – the name of the airline is hidden (hidden very well)) in the sentence). Our flight from Trivandrum to Dubai airport supposed to be around 12am (I am glad this time doesn’t affect Cinderella at all, so I could be relaxed)). We had a very funny check-in because my family doesn’t speak English and 2 weeks spending in India wasn’t enough for learning the language. Well, at least my grandparents knew “Hello” and “Thank you” that was very helpful)). While we were going through a metal detector I heard “Natasha, what do they want from me?? Translate it please!” from my dad, my mom, my grandparents. I wouldn’t be surprised if strangers would ask me to translate something for them, because I felt that everyone wanted me to help them. I didn’t know where to go…It was hilarious because my grandma put a scissors in her hand-bag (of course, it’s the most important thing to have while being on a plain)), anyway we should all forgive her because she is 77 years old). My mom had some strange locks in her hand-bag (not surprisingly as she is a daughter of my grandma)) and my dad simply forgot to take his mobile from a cage and afterwards, staff didn’t believe it was his phone, so we had to prove it. I had so much fun knowing that it was my family. I hope the airport’s staff will remember us!))

After all we were relieved – sitting in the airport, waiting for the flight and dreaming about Dubai! Our boarding time came insensibly (after 2 hours delayed)) and we started to enter a jet bridge (it’s good I have this opportunity to learn new words while writing the blog. Of course, I meant the preposition “our”, which I wasn’t aware of before))). Anyway, we had to stop our journey through the wonderful and mysterious jet way. We waited for some minutes and finally returned to the gate. It was the shortest journey I have ever had)).

I should also add that while we were waiting for the delayed flight we were provided with some beverages and snacks which was so kind of Emirates-company. (By “We” I mean not only me and my family (even though we were special people from Economy class))), but all the passengers!)

However, later on the airlines announced that the flight was delayed for 12 hours more and we could fly only at 2 30am! Now you may think that we were all shocked and disappointed! Why didn’t we fly with a bird)), but then we wouldn’t have a TV to watch and some food to eat during the flight)). And now, the main point of my post today – how Emirates handled the situation. All the passengers (even my grandma, already without her scissors, now everyone should be sorry for her)) were provided with transport and absolutely lovely hotels! Indian dinner was included as well. To be honest, we enjoyed the hotel very much. Well, it was a bit sad that we missed a day in Dubai(( as I really wanted to spend more time there, but on the other side – nothing can be better than a company that does take care of it’s clients and can show this great respect to everyone. And even it wasn’t a fault of the company (as far as I know it happened due to the weather conditions and as the weather couldn’t give us accommodation, Emirates-airlines did so)).

I believe that nothing happens in life accidently and it does occur for some reasons. Why did we spend a day more in Thiruvananthapuram (the city where the airport is based) when we could’ve enjoyed such a modern and extraordinary Dubai? I think we needed to say a proper “good bye” to India (or better “see you soon”), we needed to see how foreign company (such as Emirates) can prove that “A problem is a hidden luck” (“12 friends of Oshen”, movie).

I hope, my dears, you won’t have any problems on your way, but even if you do – just think that it’s your luck and it will be!