Tag Archives: flashmob

Once upon a time in Omsk airport



Hello my dear readers!

Today I want to tell you a funny story I experienced this night. It can be read by children, no worries)) I behave well, at least in the blog I write.

Ok, it happened that my mum was flying from Moscow to Omsk (where I am situated now) and it was very inconvenient time, around 5am which is too bad for waking up and making some fun, but hey…it’s always a good time to make fun, no matter when!:)

So…me and my family decided to make a surprise for her, meeting at the airport while she didn’t expect us to do so and I also printed a poster with her “kind of nickname” which doesn’t make sense at all and it’s really funny (I believe people who read it there were thinking “who is this person with such a name??” Anyway, when we came to the airport we realised there were few cameras from different TV channels. I thought that the information about me visiting the place spread out. However, it’s strange and hard to believe but those cameras were waiting not for me and not even for my mother!

My excitement was increasing with every second being there and I should say we stayed in the waiting area for quite a while, trying to guess who is this celebrity coming over. Also, I was blaming myself for not wearing the best dress I had and make up, not going to a stylist to make my hair done…And why I did not do it at 5am))) next time I will be ready for the show because the show must go on! 🙂

We met my mum, she actually passed me not realising I was her daughter (always knew that Moscow influences on people and changes them a lot and my lovely mother was not an exception, ahah – just kidding, I know a lot of loveliest people from the capital of Russia). So we did make this surprise all together and left the airport without understanding who was the “star” (apart from me, of course)).

And after some hours I watched the news and saw my pretty face (pretty because it was 5am, no make-up, not enough sleep, I would call it “the real beauty”)).  If the link works in other countries, you can see me here (GTRK-OMSK) http://gtrk-omsk.ru/news/detail.php?IBLOCK_ID=3&ID=127869&SECTION_ID=9 (right at the beginning of the report, in the white long jacket) 17 seconds of fame))). By the way, the journalists there were meeting Alexander Shlemenko (Storm) who is currently fighting in the Middleweight (Mixed Martial Arts) and is ranked as №8 middleweight in the world by Fight!Magazine. He was flying from the USA where he knocked Doug Marshall several days ago. I never thought I would write such information on my blog but as people say “pigs might fly”.

To be honest, I am not a fan of such a sport but it was good to get this knowledge and to be on TV looking like a zombie)) In addition to that, if I had more time for the preparation I would do a flashmob for my mum (we were thinking about making it real!). I can imagine how funny it would be….everyone is meeting this champion and I am dancing for my mother)).

What I wanted to say with this post? That even when I am extremely exhausted, dreaming about my bed, looking awful, I still enjoy my life, smiling and enjoying all the happenings around and I always see a miracle in small things. It was an ordinary meeting at the airport but somehow became a story to tell)) 

Wish you lots of of lovely surprises and interesting meetings, my dear readers!




(c) – found it in Google 🙂

Good morning, lovely day, amazing evening and beautiful night, the dearest readers of my blog!

It’s been quite a long time without writing a word here. To be honest, I feel like a baby that was just born and everything is new for me. I am excited but at the same time a bit scared…and I definitely don’t know how to update a blog and most importantly how to write in a foreign language! However, if I feel like a just born-baby I should not have a problem with expressing the things as it’s out of the mouths of babes. I hope you will forgive me for my mistakes and I’ll try my best to not disappoint anyone here.

It feels that the summer just started but it’s already over and we are all walking with Madam Autumn by our side. My summer has been more than just great and I would like to share it with you in this post.

It (summer, noun, /ˈsʌm.ər/) started with my participation in a flashmob somewhere (over the rainbow) in Siberia. I am such a fan of the things that a lot of people involved in (not talking about wars, disseases and some bad, sad situations, only positifffff!) Anyway, I was over the moon when I knew there was going to be a flashmob. Of course, I was confused and thought it was a competitive eating of caviar or fighting with a bear (what else you can do in Siberia?:) How much I was surprised when I arrived to the place and realized we had to jump with a rope for 3 minutes! By saying “We” I mean about 150 people of us (yeah, as foreigners might think there are not so many people still alive in Siberia)). It’s cold! Especially in summer-time – about +25 degrees)). Later I knew that I was actually a part (a big part with 100 kg weight;)) of breaking a record with the biggest number of people jumping with a rope at the same time! There is something to be proud of – I got a certificate, but a very small one so my pride was not so great.

I ended up staying the whole summer in Omsk, but really needed to meet some French people and practice the language with them. As Gerard Depardieu still didn’t answer me I was alone with this beautiful language…But it wasn’t for a long. I had a great chance to meet and spent some time with 3 French guys coming to Omsk from Paris.

Vodka, beautiful Russian girls, caviar – no, not because of these things they came here, but because of volunteering, looking after difficult and also lovely kids, giving food for homeless people and so on. Yes, there are Parisian guys that can come to Siberia in order to volunteer! I know sounds amazing but it’s an absolute truth.

Anyway, I had such an incredible time with them and also obtained a new experience teaching Russian while learning French with those people. It was fun, something I would definitely repeat another time. I’d like to make a point here – it’s not about where you are but who you are! In other words – I would never think there are such opportunities here, but if you look for them if you really want somethingit will come to you, no matter where you are! I couldn’t go to France therefore “France” came to me))

And I also had a chance to meet two beauties from Slovakia and a lovely friendly German guy. It’s all happening in Omsk! There are some Russians not knowing that such a city exists but I have an opportunity to meet foreigners here which is out of blue!

What else…well apart from dreaming to explore the space and not having a chance to go there yet…I explored the world of art by Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro and Vassili Kandinsky. And it was not a dream but a real exhibition of such masters in Omsk! It feels incredible really that you can find such an event in the middle of nowhere. Especially for a person that adores the art like I do it was something important to see and experience!

And not only I had fun but also I had fun and fun and fun again! Ok, frankly speaking, I did work but it’s not so interesting. However, I made a big change in my art-promotion where I finally decided to put my works online and I should say it already gave me fruits of my hard but really enjoyable work! If any of you are curious about my art, here it is http://notabene-nataliabarantseva.tumblr.com/. There are 3 pages for now but it’s still a lot to watch out there. I always have difficulties while describing my style or explaining my works so each of you can chose how you want to call such things. As about me – I am thinking more about abstraction/decoration/illustration/graffiti. Anyway, this summer I found what I was looking for! It seems to me that it’s simply called “Zentangle”. A lot of people of different ages and levels do such things but I may hope my art is still to be different from what others do (simply because I am a Cinderella and living in my own fairy tale where I don’t have a pumpkin to turn into a carriage but have a watermelon to paint which is not too bad))

I felt really stressed that I was thinking a lot about my blog’s design and so wanted to make smth special and new…but I think my muse is somewhere far away now (probably it’s with a South Korean singer PSY right now…I can see my crazy muse’s style and that it is doing well with the singer)). Anyway, as I always do what I promise and I kind of promised to change the design in my blog…then I did change the angle of falling snow here. I bet you see the difference! Yes, I do like to have a 360 degree change)))

I have more things to tell but will leave it for my future posts. I am very glad to be back to my real fairytale and by the way a huge thank for everyone who stayed with me during the summer! It was a wonderful surprise to know that every day I had some readers even though haven’t posted a thing here! Merci beaucoup! And see you soon, my lovelies!

When the time stopped


My blog is travelling to Thailand today (where my parents are currently having their holiday and sending me absolutely beautiful pictures of nature every day. I am not quite sure I am happy with this:)). Anyway, Thai greeting referred to as the wai  which consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion. The higher the hands are held in relation to the face and the lower the bow, the more respect or reverence the giver of the wai is showing. This gesture is also common as a way to express gratitude or to apologise.

I am sorry for not being here for a while (probably I should use the wai to apologise:). I am sure you were also busy with all this New Year celebration.

Even though the new year has already started I am still talking about my marvellous 2012. I will try to cover all the wonderful things from the previous year soon, so I can probably finish with Westminster’s Cinderella and start with Natasha from Wonderland (I believe there should be a differet fairy tale each year:). I am just afraid to drink from those small bottles labelled “drink me” or eat a cake with “eat me” on it, I’d prefer to be an ordinary girl and trust my fairy-godmother and speak with animals as Cinderella did. Yes, it is such a simple life for me.

Anyway, today I decided to tell you about a day when the time stopped. It was so real for many people in Victoria Station and I was one of them. It was not a fairy tale, my godmother was not involved. I am still not sure what happened that time but I have a proof for all of you that sometimes the life can be frozen in a moment. Just like click and that’s it.

It was a lovely sunny day (as it always is in London:), people were smiling, the Queen was walking near Victoria Station with her dogs (don’t know where did I get this from), Elton John  believed in love as we all know his lovely song “I believe in love”. I mean everything was just fine and I went to the station with my lovely Russian, French and Spanish friends. I knew that something incredible was about to happen and exactly at 18:45 the time stopped. Not everyone participated this magic moment but i did. I could not resist it! I was staring at my watch, listening to somebody on my phone and there was a guy next to me, trying to steal a dimond ring (i wish I had one:) from my bag , just like that…you can see me at 1:58 and 3:54.The funny thing that happened there with me was that there was a guy passing me and he said “You’re gonna be laaaaaaate!” as I was standing as if rooted to the ground and looking at the time. Only God knows how I managed to not burst out laughing.This is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueZYnM2pVyE .  I hope you will enjoy it even though Woddy Allen, Martin Scorsese, Tim Burton, Stanley Kubrick were not involved in the directing and filming it, the clip is still to be ok because it was an extraordinary thing happening in London.

What I wanted to say by this post? I just wanted to empasize how exciting studying abroad is, for example, in London (as I already mentioned – I am studying at the University of Westminster) and you can make something incredible and stunning from your usual life! jUsT Do iT! ( probably should mention that it wasn’t me who invented the slogan, but i made it in a different way – with small and capital letters, so I hope noone will invite me to a court for a cup of tea:)) only if it’s the Queen!:)

All my best wishes to all my best readers! 🙂