Tag Archives: Youtube

Our “naked chef”

Hello to you all, dear readers! I hope you’re doing fine, my friends!

Today I want to share my brother with you, though he is such a busy person that even I don’t see him often, and therefore, frankly speaking, I can only share his cooking magic (not himself). Actually, if you’ve been reading my blog or occasionally looking at the light of my stories, you probably noticed that I rarely “speak” about family, friends, I am trying to not advertise anyone (I have a good number of great friends and each of them is talented and extraordinary in its own way so that’s why I am trying to distinguish noone). Well, my brother … I suppose that many of you might be surprised that I actually have a brother. The thing is that most of my adventures described in the blog, I spent outside of Russia, and therefore away from my bro.

The name of the main character of today’s article is Eugene (which refers to English “Jack”). Of course, I could tell you all about the wonderful personality that Eugene has, because of which I had an incredibly happy childhood, while playing football, as well as Barbie, and many more, and it was always by one side with the boys. Thanks to my brother! But the subject is different now. Eugene is our local “the naked chef” or as some call him “Zhenya Oliver” (where “Zhenya” is his shortened name).  What’s more, he did not study  “chef-course”, did not finish any special cooking classes or something like that. I think it’s just his enormous love to the creative process in the kitchen, to the smiles and happy hearts of those who taste his dishes!

As a Russian writer (aphorist) Alexander Tsitkin said: “Lunch is a period of time between anticipation and aftertaste”. So in the case of my brother – whatever he cooks – it’s always a long period of anticipation and expectation, which will definitely justify all the hopes and leave a long pleasant aftertaste and happiness inside you (be it breakfast, lunch, dinner or just some snacks).

And by the way, I’m not bragging, because I do not live with Eugene anymore and therefore I am not the lucky one who tries his new or old familiar cooking masterpiece.

Ok, for those who were intrigued by my introductory, I hasten to share with you, lovelies, my brother’s vkontakte address http://vk.com/beard_cook  (it’s like Russian Facebook and I know a lot foreigners do use it as well)

But most importantly (in my personal opinion) it’s his videos on YouTube. It’s such an amazing beauty! In his video, our “Zhenya Oliver” shows new recipes of famous dishes (or old recipes of unknown ones?)). Unfortunately it’s in Russian language and many of you won’t understand it and even bearing this in mind, I decided to write this article and dedicate it to my family’s member.  You can check yourself what is happening there. I hope that even without knowing Russian you can understand something or simply feel the positivity going on! I cannot resist of mentioning his fabulous camera-man Alexey Belov. I personally don’t know him, but I’m really impressed with the way he turns shooting and filming into a life or even a fairy tale. As they say, better to see once than hear a hundred times (and in the case of Jack and Alex, I think it is worth a hundred times to see))).

Here are some print-screen I made with his Youtube videos just to show off a bit 🙂

photo 1


y4 y1

This is the first cooking-video that the guys made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AupPX110cL4

There Eugene presents himself and the video contains rather detailed information of the recipe. In later editions he speaks less but there is a larger amount of text, instructions for making  his dishes. Here, for example, the recipe of pork in the oven without mayonnaise and cheese http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4EErPk1D_c

And I’ve found his photo with English description too. Here is the one https://instagram.com/p/1DnjcUvega/?taken-by=beard_cook (on his Instagram)

So, my delicious article filled with cooking smells and useful links, ends its narrative on such a lovely note. I hope you enjoyed the video and photos of dishes from Eugene. Once again I am sorry for those who don’t know Russian language at all. Next time I’ll chose the post that can be understood by anyone who speaks English 😉

See you soon, my dear friends!


Paris that you haven’t seen

 Hello beautiful world, a world of wonder and magical discoveries. Today my article will be unusual (most likely) as I am writing it in a cemetery now. Yes, yes, near “the people” who have left this world and will probably not be able to read my blog. I believe it is the right place for writing such a happy and positive blog like mine, isn’t it?  In my opinion, it is all very logical. Especially considering the fact that this cemetery is a famous landmark in Paris. I’m talking about Père Lachaise. It’s a land where rest Oscar Wilde, Honore de Balzac, Edith Piaf, Frederic Chopin, all the people I somehow love and admire)))


The grave of Honore de Balzac (French writer)


The grave of Oscar Wilde (an Irish writer and poet)


The grave of Jim Morrison (an American singer, songwriter and poet)


So today, my article will dazzle with different photographs which I hope will help me to show you MY PARIS, not the one that is usually represented in films, music, the Internet and so on. Paris – the way I feel it and I see it…

I began to create this fairy tale of love and light, on the 19th of March, the day of my arrival in Paris. Since that time I have visited several museums, parks, gardens, streets, stores and even a music conservatory (while being extremely lucky. Thanks to my new French friend!). Since I prefer walking around the city, rather than travelling with a metro, I think I managed to walk about a hundred miles while observing the capital of France. Here I would like to present to you, my lovelies, a photo report I made, various unrelated logically or historically photos, that I would call “A walk in Paris”.

It’s an amazing magical spring time here and someone still having Merry Christmas design. Perhaps this velo-taxi belongs to a descendant of Ernest Hemingway, who stated that “Paris is a moveable feast” Apparently, this feast was Christmas. (Although the image of a polar bear on this truck reminded me of home, where there are wild bears walking on the streets, ahaha). Home, sweet home.


My favorite place in the city is The Pyramid of Cheops. What do you mean it is in Egypt? Well then, my favorite place in Paris would be The Louvre Pyramid, as easy as that. Even before our long-awaited meeting, I knew that it meant a lot to me. It’s the fault of the film “The Da Vinci Code” (a 2003 mystery-detective novel written by Dan Brown), not the movie itself but more the final scene with a very powerful music and Tom Hanks, who reveals the truth and realizes that the Holy Grail is under it, under a glass construction (this is it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcfNpfaGejA). Apparently, I am also waiting for some discovery in this magical place. And here is the bird in the photo, heading away. It’s like a good symbol, sign to myself… soaring next to a place that is really special for me.





A little art, graffiti, creativity on the walls/fences of Paris





Here are some pigeons. I was a bit shocked to see such a feast here. And they had a few more of these large loaves probably just in case, for a rainy day. I made a conclusion that Parisian pigeons live way better than Russian ones. Their standard of living surprises me)))


A parade of the European flags. It was an entrance to one of the local schools I believe.


St. Petersburg store and Moscow Street (Rue de Moscou) – it warmed my heart a lot. However, it’s time  to find Rue De Omsk now)))



And here I came to an incomparable, charming, fantastic “Moulin Rouge”. I just really love the eponymous musical, starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. I watched this bright, full of colors extravaganza 5 or 6 times and always cried my eyes out while watching. Therefore, it was the first time I saw “Moulin Rouge” and did not cry at all, but was just … really happy! Of course, I would like to see the show itself inside the building, but for this dream comes truth I will probably need to take all the pigeons’ loaves, sell them and maybe … someday … well, in any case, I think, the musical won’t disappear anywhere. Besides, if you wait for something for quite a long time, when it finally comes to you, you appreciate it even more. Everything has its pros and positive moments, I believe.


On the road to The Sacré-Cœur Basilica I saw the following sign on the pavement. I found this picture interesting. A sort of remodeling of Disney’s logo.


The Sacré-Cœur Basilica itself


And the view from the Sacré-Cœur (it’s really good that the blog does not convey my breath as I hardly could breath after a large number of stages that Cinderella passed… in this case I would not lose the shoe, but probably myself)))



A Lantern as a main hero of the photo.


Alice was not feeling well and Cinderella replaced her in the “Through the Looking-Glass”.


The shops in France are working up to a certain time here, usually they closed early evenings and on Sundays almost everything is closed… I think one of the romantic men was late to buy the flowers for his darling and found another, a very creative way of solving the problem)))


Simply lovely


People meet, fall in love and after…they buy the lockers))) (by the way, it is the famous Notre Dame de Paris in the photo’s background)



On the day I read the book by Victor Hugo “Notre Dame de Paris” I started to dream about seeing the Cathedral one day in real life! The wish came true.



And here is one of my fans. It is easy to prove since she has a bag with my name written on it. Yes, my name is very often written as «NataCHa» in France. Still cannot get used to it. But my love to the French language is really strong, and therefore, it’s not a big problem to be called differently as long as I’m in this incredible city – Paris!


While shopping at the grocery store (which, of course, does not work on Sundays and evenings))) I saw HIM! It is an incomparable feeling. For those who have not read one of my previous articles – (https://westminsterscinderella.wordpress.com/2014/02/13/when-i-met-such-a-wonderful-werewolf/). I’m just very impressionable and I rejoice even little things in my life.


A view from the 5th floor (I think) at the Centre Georges Pompidou.


I do not consider this street-art beautiful and worthy of Paris, but nevertheless, it seemed unusual




A funny story about the treasure and Natasha)). There is a Ukrainian TV program “Heads and Tails” (“Oryol&Ryeshka”) in which a man and a woman traveling together (when tossing a coin in the air, they decide their fate for the upcoming weekend: one of them will live like a king with a gold bank card, while the other one will make an economy on everything). And at the end of their journey, they leave $100 hidden in the form of treasure. So, seeing their adventures in Paris, I decided to find this cherished green piece of paper that they put in a bottle of wine and the bottle itself hung on the bridge near the Tour Eiffel, behind the red/white sign. It was such a fun to look for the money, walk around the bridge and so on. The people near were probably thinking I was mad. Unfortunately, I found nothing. The Parisian voyage was filmed and uploaded to Youtube about 2 years ago from now, so surely there were people before me, but my hope never left me until the very end and, in addition to that, it was some kind of adventures for me too.


Unusual perspective – UNDER the Eiffel Tower. And a rather unusual story.

I was enjoying the view but what others forgot there… (It’s like a joke: “Grandma was really surprised by the number of people at the railway station and asked herself a question: “How many people? Well, I came here to meet my son but what all those people doing here?”) and so I was staying, looking at this well-known sightseeing of Paris when a strange man reached me. He began by asking me to take a photo of him on his phone and afterwards asked where I was from (In English).

I said I was from Russia.

He: I do not understand. Russia ? Where is it? (and he looked like he really didn’t know this country)

Myself: I am Russian! It is the largest country in the world. And after Russia the USA goes (I think we would make a good couple with this man since I was also confused and mentioned the USA even though Canada is bigger by its territory)

He: Ah, from America? So you’re from Chile?

Indeed, where else I could be from, if not from Chile.


Just as I knew that I was going to meet HIM! (Curly hair, make-up) keep reading and you’ll understand who I met…


It was a sunny day when I went to meet my very good friend – a French girl who was travelling by Eurostar train from London. By a happy coincidence, and also my abnormal punctuality I came 10 minutes before the actual time, and surprisingly the train arrived earlier as well! Everything was at just right timing. I was one of the first in the crowd meeting the passengers. So…here I am staying, a girl from Chile (as you already know)), again not bothering anyone … and then I see HIM – Nicolas Sarkozy, himself. He goes straight in my direction. In the few seconds that I have time to see him and meet his gaze, I have so many thoughts (like my annual norm, ahaha). I was almost taking my phone as I really wanted to take a picture of the ex-president of France, but then I realized how exhausted he was (from his face expression or maybe he just wasn’t that much excited to see another Russian in Paris))). Then I was thinking about how strange it was that he was accompanied by only two policemen. I  was just waiting for my friend, and accidently meet Nicolas Sarkozy. Oh, I love those kind of accidents)) And this is after 3 weeks of me staying in Paris! Then some of my French friends complained:  “How is it possible?! I  have lived here, in Paris, all my life, I am French and never met Nicolas Sarkozy! And you… How is it possible?” And some of my friends who knew about this story, asked me the next day: ” So, have you seen  François Hollande today? No, you haven’t? Why Natasha, it’s not normal!” I think that those few seconds at Gare du Nord in Paris, I will remember for the rest of my life. Well, only If it doesn’t become a good tradition or a habit to meet with Nicolas Sarkozy))

And why not just to cross out the name of the street? Indeed, why not …


When historic Paris meets the modern one (advertising, poster, the century of the consumers)


I  get used to check different things on the internet with my phone and therefore, wherever I am, I try to connect to the internet in parks, museums… I try to find wi-fi anywhere. The museum D’Orsay wasn’t an exception. It was funny when the only available wi-fi that popped up at the museum was named “Barbara”.


This building seemed kind of unusual in terms of design and construction (especially for me, for a tourist from Omsk)


I was walking somewhere or simply wandering around when I saw this bright graffiti and decided to take a picture. I especially liked the eyes painted on the wall. I stood on the opposite side and the guy passing the wall saw me taking the photo…I think he became curious what I found interesting there. It’s funny he passed the wall and then turned his head to see what was there that made me taking a photo. It shows how a modern person runs, moves somewhere while not taking some time to see the surroundings, to be HERE and NOW, to LIVE…we are all running and thinking it’s life while not feeling the moment (at least I think it happens often with people of our century). Or, perhaps, I am analyzing it too much and exaggerating therefore.


Some kind of elections going on, campaigning, etc…where amount of the posters are more important than anything)))


On my way I met a group of roller skaters )))


Palais de la Porte Doree (Museum of immigration’s history). I think it is a very interesting building. It’s unusual and beautiful, creatively made. Also you can visit the aquarium inside it, which can be interesting if you have never bee in large aquariums because this one is kind of small.



A bit of sea theme or my visit in the aquarium mentioned above.





When wandering around the city, I discovered a park with a lake in the eastern part of Paris. It was Sunday, a lot of tourists and locals were having fun in the park: some guys were enjoying a picnic on the lawn, some boating, some people engaged in sports, having fun in the amusement park and so on. I found this place fabulous and alluring…and then I saw a man selling balloons. I felt sorry for him. On the one hand, it’s a great job to bring joy and happiness to the kids, to see their smiling faces! It’s like a magician work. But imagine that this man stands for days (and it’s often sunny in the park), sells the same product and see the happy faces of people having fun, relaxing, spending time with their families! His hunched back and lowered head just illustrates that it is not the most joyful work in the world…Well, I know there are much harder jobs. I really wish him a very good profit this season and a lot of interesting customers at least.


I noticed that each boat on the lake had its own name! Jules, Sarho, Carole, Cedric …


A lady is working while her man probably gives the instructions)))


The car was parked))


Unusual fountain


When I was (again) walking around the city I witnessed an interesting scene as Juliet appeared on the balcony waiting for her Romeo. Hopefully, they ‘ll be happier than two lovers in the book written by the great William Shakespeare.


The linear Paris



An unusual metro’s entrance (toy).


A shopwindow: The Three Little Pigs and the books they read) )



A road sign


For today my album of adventures, emotions and discoveries closes its “doors”. But I certainly will be back, dear friends! I think I’ll be very busy in the coming days and do not know when I can “contact” you again, therefore I just wish you beautiful weather, great mood and fabulous happenings! See you, dears!


Bird’s eye view.


Hello, is it my blog you looking for? I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile (finally I can see it in my blog’s statistics))….and I want to tell you so much I love you! © (took from a song “Hello”)

Yeah, that’s a romantic beginning from a hopeless romantic Cinderella)).

Anyway, I am back from a short break without my blog. Today I am continuing with Dubai-stories. I hope this will be the highest post of mine as it’s going to be about the tallest man-made structure in the world! (Unfortunately, it’s not a castle of my prince, but Burj Khalifa of a somebody else’s prince. I was late again as my clock is always not correct))

On the 19th of March me and my people (meaning the Siberian family accidently joined me when I was born)) went to the tour inside the building. Even though being a special Russian delegation from Emirates economy class, having already bought tickets, we needed to stay in the queue for a while (and we could have spent this time productively such as waiting for the green light on the traffic)) before getting to the 124th floor. C’est la vie! (I learnt a phrase in French and trying to show off, unfortunately with the only one phrase for now)). Before telling you all the incredible facts, numbers and emotions about the building itself, I cannot resist from mentioning the elevator we were going so high with. It travels with a speed 10 meters per a second! There is a screen inside the elevator where a user can observe how it goes…just incredible…1,2,3,4,5,6,7….15,16…(it was almost impossible to count the numbers, that much fast it was). In addition to that, there is an Arabic music and some kind of light-music going on (inside the elevator), which makes the journey even more enjoyable.

When the lift makes you finally speechless, you arrive at the 124th floor, which is an observation deсk and it’s also the main point of the tour. Hmm, how to explain what it is – I don’t know. All I know – the beauty does exist over and down there. It is more than a bird’s eye view. It’s a combination of everything you can think of (recently read about somebody’s invention which was a subtle butt package contains five “fart pads” that you attached to your underwear. It was designed to filter the fart and alleviate the smell! Or another one which was handerpants! Surely, there, at the very high point where you could see a marvelous world, you would not think of such stupid things I mentioned above)).

So here we are…at the 124th floor (or 99+25 still for those who like complications and mathematics))). Of course, I forget about being with the family and straight away run to the windows, trying to calm down with my hunger of capture everything I can see from the point. The view is above all expectations: skyscrapers around, amazing structures, roads, swimming-pools, famous Dubai fountain, Emirates deserts,… and most of the things are pretty small compare to their look when you observe it from the ground (especially, when you are a meter height)))  (don’t want to abuse anyone, just joking at myself as I always do. I think I might sue myself in a court one day)). I took a lot of photos from that observatory deck and two of them you can see above the post. It was such a clear sunny day fulfill with absolutely stunning pictures from Burj Khalifa’s floor. Apart from feeling very emotional and impressed by the human beings who built it, I also gained some information such as knowing the height of the building which is 828,8 meters. It cost around $1,5 billion. The building is expected to hold up to 35,000 people at any one time, and so on…

For those who like movies, actions and particularly “Mission Impossible”, there is a video that cannot leave you unimpressed (in my opinion) https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_ZKeJhOyb5o. When I watched the film I thought “Oh, yeah, very cool!” but when I watched that short video “behind the scene” I was speechless…while was imagining myself jumping outside the building. I might be afraid of such things because I am a little bit weaker than Tom Cruise)). I will have some workouts and can do same stuff…in my dreams)))

At least I wasn’t afraid to be on the 124th floor and did enjoy such a splendid landscape view from there which I wish for all of you, dear readers!

Always here, for you – Natasha from Russia!

От увиденного в Youtube к реальности – один шаг!


День добрый, ясный и радостный, друзья!

Смею предположить, все вы счастливы в этот воскресный день, так как зашли ко мне в гости, можете полюбоваться хлопьями снега, нежно укрывающими мой, уже весенний, блог.  Вы, наверняка, в преддверии позитива, красоты и многого другого (если зашли на сайт Золушки). Что может быть лучше? (Некоторые люди возмутятся: «Что? Много вещей могут быть лучше, чем чтение блога! Это опять же путешествия, собственный домик на берегу океана, будущая путевка в рай, поцелуй от Стаса Михайлова…) но я утверждаю, что мой блог – это заряд счастья и позитива, так как пишу я его с ЛЮБОВЬЮ!!! (Как говорится, себя не похвалишь – пойдешь против известной поговорки)).

Итак, я продолжаю рассказывать о приключениях Золушки в Дубае (куда ее занесло, проказницу!) Благо, это случилось не из-за того, что ее замечательная семья подбирала ей шейха в качестве будущего супруга, и думала о хорошей сделке)). Дело в том, что моя бабушка ждет меня как дизайнера-художника для забора на ее дачном участке, а, соответственно, никакого шейха пока. Я нужна своей семье!))

Оставив все шутки позади (и приготовившись к их натиску впереди моего повествования)) я бы хотела вам рассказать о событии, которое очень сильно впечатлило меня (сильно – как вы сейчас подумали, только умножьте это еще в несколько тысяч раз и тогда вы поймете, как сильно я была впечатлена!) И я это не про нежное манящее мороженое (в красном соусе)), которым мне довелось насладиться в Дубай-моле (торговый центр), НЕТ! Я не только голодная, любящая поесть, сибирская девочка, а еще и очень романтичная натура, ценящая все красивое и необычное!

Мне не хотелось бы тратить ваше, несомненно дорогое, время на свои рассказы о том, как мы прибыли в Эмираты, о нашем заселение, шопинге и так далее (к тому же мне очень важно закончить эту статью до 12 ночи, а иначе вы увидите мое настоящее лицо, сделанное из тыквы или что там…было сделано из тыквы…Мдааа, пожалуй стоит перечитать сказку еще раз или написать свою собственную (тоже вариант!)

Итак…и…Блоскар (это Оскар моего блога)) получает…Фонтан Дубай!! Да, именно об этом чуде я хочу поведать сегодня! Я помню, как однажды один из моих друзей отправил мне видео с шоу фонтана, и я не могла поверить увиденному (даже на съемке!). И, конечно, в тот момент я даже не думала, что 3 года спустя я буду созерцать эту красивую красивую красивую красоту воочию!  Видно, столь сильно меня впечатлило то видео. В тот день (когда я уже была с семьей в сказочном городе Дубае) мы открывали для себя таинственный и всепоглощающий мир бутиков, как вдруг вспомнили, что неплохо было бы повидать тот самый фонтан. На нашу радость, с нами была моя хорошая подруга и ее муж (местные жители) и они нам показали путь…к счастью! Я была очень удивлена, когда узнала, что наш конечный пункт находился прямо рядом с Дубай Молом (где мы и отоваривались). После очень утомительного и долгого 5-минутного пути)) мы прибыли на место, когда до шоу оставались считанные секунды (то есть 4 123 049 999 120 секунд. Я вам не говорила, что моя семья состоит из всемирно – признанных математиков, включая меня?))

Как это часто бывает, я затрудняюсь с написанием…как передать и объяснить в полной мере то, что происходило ТАМ!??  Но, в одном из своих фильмов Том Круз (тот, что снимался в “Миссия Невыполнима”) повернулся к камере и сказал: «Дорогая Наташа, нет ничего невозможного!» и поэтому, не смотря ни на что, я стараюсь как можно ярче описать все увиденное и я уверена, если вы прочувствуете это также как и я, вы, несомненно, сможете увидеть шоу в реальности! Время придет! Итак, продолжаю…представление началось с таинственного тумана-дыма и затем «на сцену вышли» волшебно-музыкальные ноты песни «The Prayer» в исполнении Селин Дион и Андреа Бочелли! После чего, огненно-водяная команда присоединилась к представлению и это уже была сказка, трогающая сердце и душу зрителей. Название выше упомянутой песни переводится как «Молитва» и в тот момент я готова была молиться людям, создавшим такую красоту, воплотившим сказку в жизнь! Браво! Тот несравненный танец воды с вспышками огня и света, плавно развивающийся под звуки сказочной мелодии, и все это на фоне светящихся высотных зданий. Сказать, что я была тронута – значит не сказать ничего!

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM59vw8KA_s   Это для тех, кто желает ощутить вкус мечты!)

Думаю, для разнообразия стоит оставить эмоции позади и привести некоторые цифры, которые будут служить весомым дополнением ко всему выше сказанному):

– Проект был спроектирован калифорнийской компанией WET Design;

– Фонтан Дубай может поднять до 83 000 литров воды в воздух, в любой момент времени;

– В его системе используется 6600 источников света и 25 цветных прожекторов;

– высота струй может достигать 152 метров (высота 50-этажного здания) ;

– Проектная стоимость = $218 миллионов.

Надеюсь, что цифры и факты добавили немного профессионализма статье и обрамили мои яркие эмоции, предали им некую четкость и форму. К сожалению, фонтан работает по расписанию, где шоу продолжается 4-5 минут с последующим 30-минутным перерывом, и снова – 4 минуты шоу…а хотелось бы наоборот)). В общем, мы смогли насладиться 3 короткими, но потрясающими номерами. На последок нашей индивидуальной программы мы восторженно, еле сдерживая слезы, смотрели представление фонтана под песню Уитни Хьюстон «I will always love you» …и я могу с уверенностью сказать, что I will always love этот восхитительный фонтан!

Могла ли я предположить, что увижу такую прелесть в живую, когда смотрела то самое видео в Youtube?! Но нет ничего невозможного. А в английской версии слова «Impossible» это более четко выражено, так как оно само за себя говорит «I’m possible» – я возможен! Всего самого прекрасного вам, мои мечтатели!

P.S. И очень интересная, захватывающая композиция в исполнении Дубайского Фонтана под песню “Triller”  (Michael Jackson) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoxxK-8MeWw .

When the time stopped


My blog is travelling to Thailand today (where my parents are currently having their holiday and sending me absolutely beautiful pictures of nature every day. I am not quite sure I am happy with this:)). Anyway, Thai greeting referred to as the wai  which consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion. The higher the hands are held in relation to the face and the lower the bow, the more respect or reverence the giver of the wai is showing. This gesture is also common as a way to express gratitude or to apologise.

I am sorry for not being here for a while (probably I should use the wai to apologise:). I am sure you were also busy with all this New Year celebration.

Even though the new year has already started I am still talking about my marvellous 2012. I will try to cover all the wonderful things from the previous year soon, so I can probably finish with Westminster’s Cinderella and start with Natasha from Wonderland (I believe there should be a differet fairy tale each year:). I am just afraid to drink from those small bottles labelled “drink me” or eat a cake with “eat me” on it, I’d prefer to be an ordinary girl and trust my fairy-godmother and speak with animals as Cinderella did. Yes, it is such a simple life for me.

Anyway, today I decided to tell you about a day when the time stopped. It was so real for many people in Victoria Station and I was one of them. It was not a fairy tale, my godmother was not involved. I am still not sure what happened that time but I have a proof for all of you that sometimes the life can be frozen in a moment. Just like click and that’s it.

It was a lovely sunny day (as it always is in London:), people were smiling, the Queen was walking near Victoria Station with her dogs (don’t know where did I get this from), Elton John  believed in love as we all know his lovely song “I believe in love”. I mean everything was just fine and I went to the station with my lovely Russian, French and Spanish friends. I knew that something incredible was about to happen and exactly at 18:45 the time stopped. Not everyone participated this magic moment but i did. I could not resist it! I was staring at my watch, listening to somebody on my phone and there was a guy next to me, trying to steal a dimond ring (i wish I had one:) from my bag , just like that…you can see me at 1:58 and 3:54.The funny thing that happened there with me was that there was a guy passing me and he said “You’re gonna be laaaaaaate!” as I was standing as if rooted to the ground and looking at the time. Only God knows how I managed to not burst out laughing.This is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueZYnM2pVyE .  I hope you will enjoy it even though Woddy Allen, Martin Scorsese, Tim Burton, Stanley Kubrick were not involved in the directing and filming it, the clip is still to be ok because it was an extraordinary thing happening in London.

What I wanted to say by this post? I just wanted to empasize how exciting studying abroad is, for example, in London (as I already mentioned – I am studying at the University of Westminster) and you can make something incredible and stunning from your usual life! jUsT Do iT! ( probably should mention that it wasn’t me who invented the slogan, but i made it in a different way – with small and capital letters, so I hope noone will invite me to a court for a cup of tea:)) only if it’s the Queen!:)

All my best wishes to all my best readers! 🙂